God's Strong Army of ONE

In difficult times we should not worry...worry is a weapon of Satan, it is a weapon that he will use against us to side track our minds so that we forget to study the word of God, pray, worship, and give praise to God. Satan does not want us to live, learn, love, and laugh and grow in God's word. He wants us to be miserable, to think negative thoughts, to do negative things, and to be hateful to others. Is this Christ like??? Of course not!!! Worry, depression, and stress are weapons that Satan will try to use against God's soldiers...You may ask who are God's soldiers?? Are you born again??? Confessed that Jesus is your Lord & Savior?? That he died and was risen on the 3rd day( resurrection day!), asked for the forgiveness of all of your sins, and are a new man or woman in Christ Jesus forsaking all evil, negative thoughts and actions??? Crucifying your old man or woman ( the old you before you gave your life to Christ) each day???? Your chains have been broken from sin???... You have been set free from sin???
If you answered yes to all of those questions you are a Christian, a man or woman who belongs to God's army and God's army is more than be all you can be, we are God's Army Strong. We are one united together for a purpose to spread the gospel to the lost, the unsaved, and the broken hearted. We are not easily defeated and we live within the word of God, the word of God is bound upon our neck as though it is a necklace. It has been placed so deep within our hearts that we do not want to sin against God. We are like a city on a hill that is strong which rests within the fortress of God who protects us. We have no reason to fear, to become discouraged, or worry. We are anointed, we are the lenders and not the borrowers, we are the head and not the tail. We are the leaders who the lost world looks up to and who they want to follow because we follow Jesus Christ our Lord & Savior who saved us and redeemed us all. God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind! His perfect love casts out all fear. He is faithful and true from everlasting to everlasting!
We are a beautiful flame that burns for God and his son Jesus Christ only and there is nothing that can stop us because we are God's ARMY STRONG!!!!!!! Satan will throw his darts at us but we shall use the shield of faith which is living by faith we can and we will block Satan's fiery darts of fear, depression, doubt, obsession of the future, worry about paying bills, and etc...
We have armor ( Ephesians 6: 10-18) that when we wear this entire armor there is nothing Satan can do to us, he may try to create chaos or havoc in our families, our lives, but we stand under ONE trinity, One Father, One Son, and One Holy Ghost. We stand and believe in prayer and although the enemy will come against us, we are mighty and strong because God is our strength. We wear the belt of truth...we know the truth about God and we lift him up as he lifts up...we wear the breastplate of righteousness which is the righetousness of Jesus in our hearts, minds, and our souls...we wear the sandals of the gospel of peace which is our inner peace, ( Then God's peace, which goes beyond anything we can imagine, will guard your thoughts and emotions through Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:7) and our steadfastness. We wear the shield of faith which we use to block Satan's evil schemes and his fiery darts which try to defeat us but never defeats us! This shield means we live by faith daily and daily we live by faith, not by sight. ( 2 Corinthians 5:7 ). We wear the helmet of salvation which is the salvation of Jesus Christ which continues everlasting to everlasting. We proudly carry the sword of the Spirit which is God's word to defeat everything that is not of God... ( which are spiritual deception and accusations). We are God's Army Strong and we are not easily defeated!!! We do not give up, we do not give in, we do not allow the enemy to overtake us.
Our motto should be like the US Army... We are ARMY Strong! God's Army strong!!!!
Image Courtesy of: K & D Enterprises
Copyright © 2009-2010. BDSpearman © 2009-2010. Your Battle Cry is Your Praise ®. God's Army of One.© 2009-2010. All Rights Reserved.
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