Get Ready!!!!! Get Ready!!!!!!! Get Ready!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
God is turning around a lot of things in our lives and your life too!!! :-)
God has instructed us to take a new direction for our ministry, and we have been obdient to God's calling and his instructions! We have met the change and we ask that you pray for us as we continue to complete this process. Please be patient with us!!!!! God is not through with us!!!!!!!
Here is our vision and mission :-)
God's Vision for Our Ministry
God’s mission for this ministry was designed to acquire and instruct Christians in using praise as their battle cry, how to seek the wisdom and guidance that God has for their lives, and how to acquire lost souls and bring them to Christ. This website was designed to give Christians an alternative to websites and blogs that are not Christ like, and are negative, or demeaning to Christians. We welcome you and your family to our ministry and we pray that God will allow this ministry to bless and strengthen your Christian walk with Christ! We welcome non-believers who want to know more about God and we are very pleased to help you become a Christian and remain a Christian.
Our Mission:
God's Mission for Our Ministry
God gave this ministry to Minister Spearman because he wanted his children to learn that praise is a mighty weapon of warfare. Too often we allow our circumstances to intervene and we do not use praise as a weapon, and in turn Satan will try to destroy us. If we allowed God to open our eyes and began to lift our voices in praise, we will then begin to realize that praise is an action that speaks louder than words, praise is easy to act upon during good and bad circumstances, and we must learn how to continue to lift up our battle cry which is our praise! We must continue to fight a good fight of faith and live a life that is totally surrendered to our heavenly father. God’s vision for this ministry is to open a door to allow Christians to learn more about the inheritance of praise and worship. It is our praise that will bring us out of our troubles. It is our praise that will begin our Exodus! God’s vision for this ministry is that we as Christians…sons and daughters of God will learn how to use praise as a might weapon
of warfare to defeat Satan!
of warfare to defeat Satan!
Wooo HOOO!!! We thank God for this new change!!!! Yes!!!!! God is the only change that is consistent!!!! It's time to make a change!!!!! That Change is not Yes we can... IT IS YES GOD CAN!!!!!!! GOD will never fail us although sometimes man can fail, God nevers leaves us nor does he ever forsake us!!!!!! :-)
Join us!!!!! Become our prayer partner today!!!!! Email us on our website... Contact us! :-)
Visit our ministry's new website!!!
Need prayer??? Leave your prayer request on our site, Need to speak to a minister???
send us your concerns, and a contact number or email and we will pray for you and
as the Lord leads us, we will contact you ASAP, and give you words of the
scripture and encouragement. We are here for YOU!!!!
" You have turned my mourning to dancing
You have turned my sorrow to joy
You have turned my whole life around &
I thank You Lord, thank You Lord, "Turn it around ,
open the windows of Heaven, pour out a blessing overflow,
turn it around open the windows of Heaven pour out a blessing we cannot contain
let it rain o God, let it rain!" *~Aaron W. Lindsey & Israel Houghton~*
You have turned my sorrow to joy
You have turned my whole life around &
I thank You Lord, thank You Lord, "Turn it around ,
open the windows of Heaven, pour out a blessing overflow,
turn it around open the windows of Heaven pour out a blessing we cannot contain
let it rain o God, let it rain!" *~Aaron W. Lindsey & Israel Houghton~*